Reading right now:
Pessl’s “Night Film” the Austin Chronicle
writes, “If spiders and mayonnaise aren’t enough to
strike fear in your heart this Halloween, pick up a copy of Marisha Pessl’s new interactive
thriller novel, “Night Film.”
On hold right now:
Hinger’s “Hidden Heritage” comes out in November. This is the third in the
Lottie Albright series. Western Kansas historian and Undersheriff Lottie
Albright’s latest investigation revolves around a gruesome killing at the
Carlton County, Kansas, livestock feedyard.
Other Mysterious things:
Kirk Russell’s latest
is out November 1. “Die-Off” is the fifth in his John Marquez series. Marquez
works for the California Fish & Game’s Special Operations Unit trying to
shut down animal traffickers.
Father Brennan Burke
and public defender Monty Collins team up again for the seventh book in Anne
Emery’s mystery series. “Blood on a Saint” comes out in November.
S. J. Gazan’s “The
Dinosaur Feather” will be available in the U.S. in November. This is the first
novel by Scandinavian writer Gazan.