Reading right now:

“The Arsonist”
by Sue Miller. Coming out this month is the latest best-selling book by Boston
resident Sue Miller. Her first book “The Good Mother” was made into a feature
film. She has been nominated for a National Book Critics Circle Award and one
of her books was an Oprah pick. This new novel centers around a small New
England town where an arsonist is setting fires to the homes of the summer
Other Mysterious
Mary Stewart
died on May 9 at her home on the west coast of Scotland at the age of 97. Her
first novel came out in 1954 and she wrote until 1997. She was best known for
what became a new genre called romantic thrillers which I found in my local
library when I was very young. She was one of the authors that got me started
reading mysteries. I loved so many of her books especially “The Moonspinners”
and “This Rough Magic.” Her books brought a new heroine into fiction. Her
heroines were educated, fighters, with a strong moral sense. She was also well
known for her four part series on Merlin which started with “The Crystal Cave”
in 1970. While she never wanted to be famous, her books sold 5 million copies
and she was one of the authors that helped change the face of fiction for
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