Monday, December 28, 2020

While it is almost the end of the year, here are a few more December arrivals not to miss. 

Reading right now:

“My Darling” by Amanda Robson is a domestic thriller about the couple next door. That couple that moves in and you think you are going to be best friends, until everything goes wrong and you find out that perhaps at least one of the new neighbors is completely crazy.

On hold right now:

Rookie detective Natalie Lockhart tackles her second big case (as in the second in the series) in “The Wicked Hour” by Alice Blanchard. Halloween gets out of hand in Burning Lake, New York, and Detective Lockhart must investigate the body of the unknown woman found in the dumpster the next morning. Her investigation leads her to the belief that the body is just the latest in a series of disappearances of women.

Peter Moreira’s “Hitman on Haight” is the second in his Haight Crime series which takes place in San Francisco in the 1960s. San Francisco Detective Jimmy Spracklin must find who killed and dismembered a hippie who happens to be the daughter of a rich industrialist.

Harriet Tyce’s second book is “The Lies You Told” which finds a recently divorced attorney moving to London with her daughter. At first, they have a hard time settling into their new life but soon friendships develop and they start to settle into their new environment. Unfortunately, those new friends may actually be enemies.

Other Mysterious Things:

Other books of interest coming out this month include Victoria Gilbert’s latest “A Deadly Edition” which is the fifth in the Blue Ridge Library mystery series. Molly MacRae’s fourth book in the Highland Bookshop mystery series is "Heather and Homicide.” Sam Carrington’s unusual “The Open House” centers around Nick and Amber Miller who hold an open house to try to sell their house only to have thirteen people enter their house and have only twelve leave.

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